Monday, June 16, 2008

Fathers Day Fun

Logan: "Shirt, check. Overalls, check. Fresh diaper, check. Looks like I'm ready to go."

Lily: "Now if only I could do something about your hair."

Lily: "I like Aunt Helene's kisses. But I really love her bracelets."

Lily: "Daddy and I doing our serious faces."

Lily: "But he's really good at making me smile."

Lily: "I think the hat may be a bit too much. What do you think Grandma Paula?"

Logan: "Hey Uncle Jay, that's my hat!"

Logan: "Hi pretty lady."

Logan: "So Melissa... you wanna ditch this place and go chill back at my crib?"

Logan: "Uncle Jay better watch his back. He may be bigger, but I'm cuter."

Logan: "Here we are Grandpa... just two dudes, hangin' on the steps."

Lily: "Thanks to a renegade bottle, Daddy and I both needed a midday wardrobe change."

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