Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the wedding: cocktail hour

Lily and Mama accessorized with Drool Bear and Blue Dog

Logan's too interested in the band to think about eating 

Aisle-walking practice... although Daddy isn't nearly ready to give Lil away

Lily's favorite chair

Attempting to take a 'good' family photo. Fail.

the wedding: during the ceremony

Logan decided instead of watching Uncle Jay & Aunt Melissa get married, he'd rather play with rocks.
 (Personally, Mama would have rather witnessed the wedding...)

the wedding: before the ceremony

dancing with Grandpa

Lo leading the way

Lo in super explorer mode


reaching for the paper lanterns

a little frightened, but still completely adorable

snuggling with Gammy

big, shiny and noisy... what else could he ask for?

Lil and Aunt Courtney - smiling and gorgeous

Lily playing with Grandma

loving what she sees in the mirror

Monday, June 29, 2009

beach bums

first fast food

Logan: "I don't know who this lady Wendy is..."

Logan: "... but her fries are to die for."

Lily: "However the best part is this red stuff."

Lily: "Seriously. How I have I lived this long without ketchup?"

Logan: "Word."

Sunday, June 28, 2009

food face

Lily: "I am the cheesiest!"

riding the luggage cart

Logan: "Faster faster!"

"Thanks for the lift. Now it's your turn Grandpa."

"Man, I hope I didn't look that goofy on there."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

call waiting

Lily: "If you must know, I'm expecting a very important call."

Lily: "Here it is now!"

Logan: "Morning Lily. Want to meet up for a play date?"

Lily: "Um, sure. Gotta run, I've got another call. See you there."

Logan: "Well that was fast."
Lily: "I was just on the other side of the couch after all."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

chicken legs

Lily: "Mmmm.. chicken is so much more fun when you get to eat it like this."

Logan: "I'm not so sure."

Lily: "I should probably tell him he's holding it wrong. But it's too fun to watch."

Monday, June 22, 2009

tennis anyone?

Lily: "Logan, this is all wrong. You gotta be on the other side of the net!"

"Now if someone will please get me a racquet. Lo's about to get schooled." 

celebrating father's day

Lily: "That dip looks mighty tasty Auntie. Hint hint..."

Lily: "I have to use a chip to eat it? What if I just stick my hand in there?"

Logan: "You're really going to let me drink out of the cup myself? Eh, what's the worst that could happen?"

Logan: "Well, that..."

Logan: "I am not taking the rap for this. It's all your fault Uncle Jay."

Logan: "Gotta take this rare moment of alone time to steal a cheese doodle."

Logan: "Mmm. Cheesy. Crunchy. Incredible."

Lily: "Party's over. Dress off."