Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Lily: "We're the Wonder Twins... in a dressed down casual friday sorta way"
Logan: "Does that mean we have to say 'Wonder twin powers activate?'"
Lily: "You just did."
Logan: "Oh.

(Thanks James & Amanda for making us these super cool shirts!)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Showing The Love

Scary Faces

Lily: "Since it's almost Halloween, lets see who can make the scariest face. I'll go first..."

Lily: "Rawwwrrrrrr"

Logan: "Not bad, but check mine out. "Rrrroooaaarrr."

Lily: "We'll call it a draw."

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Crib Chomping

Logan: "We're teething."
Lily: "And we'll bite at anything that isn't moving."
Logan: "Well, actually if it's moving slow enough we'll bite at that too."

Monday, October 27, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Lean On Me

Lily: "Hey Lo, can I borrow you for a moment?"
Logan: "Something tells me I should be worried."

Lily: "Thanks. I just needed something to lean against."
Logan: "I knew it."

Taking Down The Trash

Lily: "I wonder what this is?"

"Maybe a better question is what's inside?"

"Ok, anything else around here for me to get into?"

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Visit From The 'Greats'

Lily: "I love hanging out with the Great Grandparents. Now if only I could have them all to myself."

Lily: "Ha! That's better. Now all of the attention is focused on watching me with my teething toy!"

Logan: "Not true. Grandpa and I are too busy with my teething toy to pay any attention to you."

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

If The Shoe Fits

Logan: "Hmmm. I'm missing a shoe and I'm holding a shoe. I think I'll try it out... what could possibly go wrong?"

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Playing In The Park

during one of the final warm days of the year

hamster kisses

crawling over to meet a new friend

loving the leaves

extreme close up

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hat Attack

Logan: "Yeah, I know... it's a cool hat."

"But it just needs to be adjusted..."

"Hmmm. I think I made it worse."

The Stacking Game

Lily: "You build 'em up. I knock 'em down."

Monday, October 13, 2008


Dimple Darling

Lily: "When I smile just right you can see the dimple in my right cheek."

"Yeah, it's adorable isn't it?"

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Drinking With Grandpa

Logan: "Huh... this eating situation is perplexingly unusual."
Lily: "You gotta learn to just improvise. I think Grandpa is doing a wonderful job."
Logan: "Yeah. We are a little complicated aren't we?"


Logan: "Ok on the count of three we're all going to look up and make a funny face at the camera. One, two..."

Logan: "...three!"
Lily: "I'm the only one making a funny face aren't I? I can't believe I fell for that."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Morning Snuggles

Logan: "What I love most about the weather getting colder is morning snuggle time with Daddy."

"It makes me incredibly happy."

Monday, October 6, 2008


Logan: "This is pretty neat. Where are we going?"

"Wait... we're about to go down that?"

Lily, Grandpa & The Game

Lily: "Hey Grandpa look, there are little men running around after a ball on that TV-thingy. It's sorta mesmerizing."

"But don't worry, I still love you more"

Friday, October 3, 2008

Got Your Ear

Logan: "Is this your on switch Lily? If I pull it will you sing?"
Lily: "Logan let go of my ear. It's not a toy."
Logan: "But it's just hanging out there. It must do something."
Lily: "Seriously, it's time to stop. I just want to sit here and eat Cheerios in peace."


Thursday, October 2, 2008

What's Better Than A Duck?

Lily: "And if you noticed Logan falling down at the end, don't worry he wasn't hurt. He didn't even cry or nothing."

Shock and Shaking

Lily: Here you get to see a little bit of my patented 'shock and awe' face combined with a little music.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Logan Entering 'Sit Mode'

The Fearless Cat Tamer

Logan: "The trick is to pet him when he's too sleepy to realize he's being tortured. Mama says the same thing works when she's trying to cut my nails."