Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tasty Toes

Lily: "Wow. I am really flexible. I wonder what my toes taste like."

"Almost there..."


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

One Step Ahead

Lily: "Look! My head is finally bigger than yours. I must have grown overnight."

Logan: "Ha! Silly Lily... it's just that you're closer to Mama's camera."

Logan: "So I'm still bigger."
Lily: "Oh. Shucks."

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Learning The Moves

Logan: "Hey girl, how you doin'?"

Monday, July 28, 2008

Group Reading

Lily: "This page is the best page ever!"

Logan: "Actually, I kind of like this page over here."

Lily: "Oh yeah! That is the best page ever!"
Logan: "Girls. Always changing their minds."

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Wrong Way

Lily: "What? Daddy put my onesie on backwards?"

"That explains the strange uncomfortable feeling I'm experiencing right now."

Logan's Rollover

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Team Pink FTW

Lily: "Daddy wants me to shout out to Obz. Not sure who that is. I'm just doing what I'm told."

Hands Down

Logan: "Woah. I'm totally sitting upright. Now if only I could do it without the help of my hands..."

Lily: "Just keep practicing Lo. We'll get it right eventually."

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Little Rascal

Logan: "Who.. me?"

Time Flies...

Lily: "We're five months old today!"
Logan: "Does that mean we get cake?"

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sitting Tall

Logan: "Where are we?
Lily: "Mama says they're high chairs and they're for eating stuff."

Lily: "So I think she wants us to eat these toys."

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Skinny Dipping

Card Sharks

Lily: "Can I change partners? Daddy can't even hold his cards right."

Lily: "That was a terrible play. I think it's time I take matters into my own hands."

Logan: "Stop peeking at our cards Lily!"

The Dog Days Of Summer

Logan: "Boy was I surprised when I woke up to realize there was a dog sleeping on me. And it wasn't a stuffed one either."

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ducks And Dunks

Logan: "I have a feeling those ducks are gonna be trouble."

Logan: "I knew it! It's attacking me. Lily, help!"

Lily: "Sorry Logan, I'm way over here."

Lily: "Plus Daddy just dunked me under. So I have my own problems to worry about."

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Air Up There

Logan: "Is this supposed to be fun? I'm not really sure."
Lily: "Well, Mama and Daddy are having a good time. So just don't cry."

Into The Blue

Lily: "Hold on to me Mama."

Lily: "Cause that's an awful lot of blue stuff."

Shady Babies

Lily: "I'm the coolest baby at the pool. Right Daddy?"

Logan: "No way sis, I am totally the coolest."

Lily: "Whatever."

Monday, July 14, 2008

Testing The Waters

Logan: "Daddy, I think that duck is drowning."

Lily: "Kicking is so much more fun when it's done in water."

Logan: "Me, I'm just going to chill out against the side."

Lily: "Ok, I'm ready for the swim competition."

Logan: "No way. I'm tired. Time for some shade bathing."

Lily: "This is just practice for the real pool."

Logan: "Hey Lily, it's time to get out!"

Lily: "This was fun. Can we try the big pool now?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Feeling Flighty

Lily: "Going through security sucks. Good thing I don't have to wear shoes."

Logan: "Waiting is boring so we decided a pre-boarding nap was in order."

Lily: "I call dibs on the window seat!"

Logan: "Doesn't matter where you sit. We're both going to start crying soon anyway."

Friday, July 11, 2008